Dhruthi Hospitals


vaccines aren’t just for children. Adults can be protected from 14 deadly diseases

Vaccines aren’t just for children. Adults can be protected from 14 deadly diseases
Although most people believe that immunizations are only for children, adults can also benefit from them. In fact, several vaccines, including those for shingles or pneumonia, are designed expressly to guard against adult-type illnesses. Even though adults can benefit from several immunizations and boosters, doctors advise getting an annual influenza shot, the shingles vaccine for people over 60, and the pneumococcal
pneumonia vaccine for people over 65 or sooner for those with chronic health concerns.

1. FLU: Most adults, according to doctors, should get the flu shot every year. Unless they have a specific medical reason not to get the vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that everyone six months of age and older take an annual flu vaccine. The vaccine is developed to provide defense against the respiratory influenza strains that are projected to be the most prevalent throughout the upcoming flu season.
2. SHINGLES: When the chickenpox virus flares up in the body and causes a severe and painful skin rash, adults who had chickenpox as children are at risk of developing shingles, a virus. The likelihood of getting shingles rises with age. It is advised to all patients who are 60 years of age or older to get the shingles vaccination. Shingles may cause excruciating discomfort. Although the vaccination doesn’t entirely protect against shingles, it can lessen the risk of infection and the severity of the symptoms.
3. PNEUMOCOCCAL: The pneumococcal vaccination offers a defense against the dangerous bacterial strain that causes pneumococcal pneumonia. It’s especially crucial to obtain the vaccination if you smoke or have a chronic illness like diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, or asthma. There is a significant risk of morbidity and death among the strains the vaccination protects against. It can be a highly serious sickness for those with underlying medical conditions.
4. RUBELLA: Sneezing and coughing can transmit Rubella. It poses a particular risk to a pregnant lady and her unborn child. If a pregnant woman who has not had the rubella vaccine contracts the disease, she runs the risk of miscarrying or losing her unborn child. She can also transmit the illness to her unborn child, who could experience major birth abnormalities. Get vaccinated on time to ensure that you and your child are protected from rubella. Your youngster should receive the MMR vaccination in two doses, according to doctors. Your child has to get one dosage between the ages of 12-23 months and 4-6 years.
5. Hepatitis B: Did you know that complications from hepatitis B cause more than 780,000 deaths annually in the world? Hepatitis B can be transmitted by body fluids like blood. Since the hepatitis B virus may pass from an infected mother to child at delivery, it is highly harmful for newborns. Babies should get the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccination immediately after delivery since around nine out of every ten newborns who catch it from their mothers become chronically infected. All expectant mothers ought to be screened, and all newborns ought to receive vaccinations.
6. Hepatitis A: Since the 1995 development of the Hepatitis A vaccine, the number of cases has been drastically reduced. Contagious liver disease hepatitis A can be spread from person to person or by tainted food and water. Hepatitis A vaccine
7. Tetanus: Tetanus is a serious bacterial infection caused by Clostridium tetani, which produces toxins leading to painful muscle contractions – also known as ‘lockjaw’. This condition causes the neck and jaw muscles to stiffen so severely that it becomes difficult for affected individuals to open their mouths or swallow.
8. Mumps: Mumps is a contagious viral disease that can be prevented through immunization but still affects people today. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, and tiredness followed by swelling of the parotid glands in front and below each ear – which causes puffy cheeks and a tender jaw. Outbreaks are mainly caused by close contact between individuals such as sharing drinks or living in proximity to someone with mumps; although even those who have been vaccinated may not be immune if they come into direct contact with the virus.
9. Whooping Cough: Whooping cough, otherwise known as pertussis infection, is one of the most contagious respiratory diseases around. It manifests itself through a severe  cough followed by an iconic high-pitched “whoop” sound on breath intake. Fortunately for us today, we have access to vaccinations that provide protection against whooping Cough; however it’s still mainly experienced by children under vaccination age and teenagers/adults whose immunity has been weakened over time. In particular, infants are quite vulnerable when it comes to this disease so ensuring that pregnant women (and other people likely in contact with babies) receive their recommended vaccines can be paramount in keeping them safe from whooping cough danger.
10. Measles: Measles, also known as rubeola or 10-day measles is a highly contagious disease caused by the measles virus. Those infected may start to display symptoms eight to twelve days after initial exposure and can last from ten up to fourteen days with no treatment. Complications such as encephalitis can occur with increased risk of hearing loss in those affected if not treated properly. Vaccination remains the best prevention measure against this airborne illness that has plagued humans for generations!
11. Meningococcal Disease: Neisseria meningitidis is a type of bacteria known to cause an array of illnesses collectively dubbed ‘meningococcal disease’. This pathogen can be found in many, but not all individuals–in some cases it lies dormant without revealing itself through symptoms. In general, close or extended contact with an infected person is necessary for transmission — making the spread of this infection different from diseases like colds and influenza which are highly contagious. Outbreaks tend to arise due to one (or more) strains among six serogroups worldwide: A, B, C , WX & Y.
12. Chickenpox: Chickenpox is an easily spread virus that manifests in a blister-like rash. People who are not vaccinated can be the most susceptible to its contagion, yet even those affected usually make it out of this highly uncomfortable situation within 1 -2 weeks time with little complication.
13. HPV: HPV infections are common viral skin and mucous membrane growths that have the potential to be linked with different types of cancer. Although most HPV cases do not lead to any danger, some can cause cervical or other genital cancers such as those in the anus, penis, vagina, and vulva. Transmission is usually done through sexual contact or direct skin-to-skin contact; however, it’s important to note that vaccines exist that help protects against high-risk strains of HPV causing either warts or cancer development.
14. Diphtheria: While diphtheria is virtually unheard of in developed countries due to widespread vaccination, it still poses a severe risk for many individuals living without access to healthcare or vaccinations. Diphtheria can be treated with antibiotics; however, when left untreated the disease can cause heart damage along with serious trauma from damaged kidneys and the nervous system. Furthermore, advanced stages of this bacterial infection can result in death – especially so among children who are more vulnerable than adults. Therefore preventive measures such as vaccinations should not be taken lightly given its dire consequences .