Currently, approximately 20,000 clinics, both private & municipal, are used for the vaccination campaign, although many secondary & tertiary health facilities have been left out of the initiative.
In total, approximately 18 million shots of Covaxin & Covishield have been administered to citizens in 3 priority sections all over India.
The govt aims to make more than almost double the volume of coronavirus vaccine centers and extend into remote regions, it is a major increase. The analysts say it should only be possible if restrictions are changed, and India’s extensive immunization system is exploited.
According to government statistics, 1.4 million shots were distributed on Thursday, a new high for the world. However, only around half of that amount (700,000) was made up for the people who became qualified for shots on 1st March.
The additional 330,000 are the 2nd boosting shots for health & frontline staff, who were among the 1st ones to receive shots when the campaign started on 16th January.
About 20,000 clinics, both private & municipal, are now used by the vaccination campaign, although several primary & secondary health centres are currently excluded from the event.
On Thursday, the manufacturers of the dual vaccines used in India, SII (Serum Institute of India) and Bharat Biotech, advised the Delhi high court that they will have excess stocks, but the stocks will only be made accessible with the Union government’s permission.
In total, India has administered approximately 18 million shots of Covexin & Covershield to people in various social classes:
national healthcare staff, frontline workers including such police and the military, as well as people over 60 or more than 45 with such a specific number of ailments that increase their chance of dying from Covid-19 infection.
Professionals, on the other hand, say the rate is still far too sluggish to reach India’s huge population of large groups and avoid the second phase of infections.
While it is encouraging to see a faster speed, going at this level is rather underachieving, as India does have the potential to cover around 8-15 million people every day.
We would be able to protect the whole vulnerable population within such a month if we reach 10 million people per day. The aggressive goal of covering the whole country in thirty days would put us forward of the infection. This passion is a requirement, not a record-breaking goal.