Dhruthi Hospitals

Health Care

Quitting smoking benefits your heart and cardiovascular system now and in the future

If you’re someone that is into the regular habit of smoking, or if you are someone that is just entering the phase of smoking regularly, then this is a must-read for you to know what it actually does to your body. Putting aside the immediate kick it gives the body and the mind, its negative …

Quitting smoking benefits your heart and cardiovascular system now and in the future Read More »

Your Heart Health Maybe Revealed by How Fast You Can Climb 4 Flights of Stairs?

Are you planning to get your heart tested, then you can take a free and straightforward test of your heart health in your nearest high-rise building. As per some researchers from Spain, if you are that being able to climb four flights of stairs in under a minute, then it is an accurate indicator of …

Your Heart Health Maybe Revealed by How Fast You Can Climb 4 Flights of Stairs? Read More »